Infectious diseases

The xx medicinal products assessed in the field of infectious diseases include products for the treatment of hepatitis (types A, B and C), HIV infections and other bacterial, viral and fungal diseases. To date, the G-BA has passed xx resolutions, with the result that a major additional benefit or a considerable additional benefit has been identified for xx% and XX% of the respective subpopulations, weighted according to patient share in the resolution. A minor additional benefit has been identified in XX% of the subpopulations, and a non-quantifiable additional benefit has been identified for XX% of the subpopulations.

The remaining XX% of subpopulations weighted by patient share include a total of xx% of the potential total of xx million patients using the medicinal product assessed in the therapeutic area. The G-BA did find no additional benefit for these patients in relation to the appropriate comparative therapy.

All G-BA resolutions concerning infectious diseases